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Fall, Spring, Academic Year
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Overall 2.5 GPA; 4 semesters of college level Spanish or equivalent
Fall/Academic Year: Mar. 1
Spring: Sept. 20
Click the Application tab.
This program is designed to help students further their Spanish language studies and to provide a critical appreciation of Argentina and its importance in Latin America from a social science and humanities perspective. Cultural immersion is fostered by living with a host family, cultural activities, coursework, volunteering, internships and service learning opportunities. The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) administers this program on behalf of a consortium of which The University of Iowa is a member.
UI students take 15 - 18 semester hours of Spanish language courses and Argentine culture. This program is unique because students have the opportunity to take courses offered by CIEE at their Global Institute and to enroll in courses at Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Universidad Católica, Argentina (UCA), and-or Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte (IUNA). CIEE Buenos Aires Liberal Arts Program website.
In a city as big as Buenos Aires and a country steeped in rich culture, students will have no problems learning about Argentina and the intriguing culture of los porteños. With day and overnight field trips students can sample traditional food, and learn about gaucho traditions, and folk dancing.
This program runs on the Southern Hemisphere schedule. Spring semester starts in late February and runs until mid-July. Fall semester starts in mid-July and runs until December.
Study Abroad
1111 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-0353
The CIEE Global Institute Buenos Aires is ideally located within walking distance of shops, restaurants, supermarkets, and publich transportation in any direction. The Institute is in the Recoleta neighborhood which is situated directly northeast of Buenos Aires City Center and shares borders with the neighborhoods of Almagro, Palermo and Retiro.
Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, is often referred to as the “Paris of Latin America.” A vibrant port city, Buenos Aires is also the world’s leading Spanish language publishing hub. Travelers enjoy world-class museums and restaurants, exceptional architecture, and a rousing nightlife. With weather that is pleasantly mild, year-round, Buenos Aires is always ready for exploration by bike, public transportation, or on foot - one of the many reasons it was voted “the number-one city to visit” in Latin America.
Ruled by Spain for 300 years before gaining independence in 1816, Argentina occupies most of South America south of Brazil and east of the Andes. Like most countries of immigrants, the population is diverse and, even though Catholicism is the most common religion, there are significant minority communities. Despite political and social unrest throughout much of the 20th century, Argentina’s 98% literacy rate is one of the highest in Latin America. The economic crisis circa December 2001 started an emigration wave, accompanied by a renewed sense, shared by many, of living in a time of critical transition, both economically and politically. In the last 8 years, sustained economic and industrial growth has propelled a tourist boom and most emigrates have returned.
The US Department of State provides safety and security information for every country of the world to help you assess for yourself the risks of travel. Each country information page contains a Travel Advisory, Alerts, and other important details specific to that country that could affect you.
Pay close attention to the entry and exit requirements, local laws and customs, health conditions, and other details to help decide whether traveling to any given country is right for you. Non-US citizen travelers may also wish to seek guidance from the embassy of their country of citizenship. The UI International Travel Policy for Students addresses restrictions on student travel to high-risk locations and engagement in high-risk activities abroad.
Homestays provide an excellent opportunity for cultural immersion for a complete Argentine cultural experience. Students will be placed with carefully screened Argentinean families. Hosts may be either nuclear families with young children, single professionals, young couples with no children, or older couples. Housing includes two meals per day: breakfast and either lunch or dinner. Students are responsible for the other meals. Host families and students will decide meals together.
If you do not have a passport, it is important that you apply for one as soon as possible to ensure you receive it before the program begins. US citizens can find more information about how to apply for a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Students with a valid passport should check the expiration date. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months AFTER the anticipated return to the US from studying abroad. If your passport is not valid for at least 6 months after your anticipated date of return to the US, you must renew your passport before applying for a visa or leaving the United States.US citizens can find more information about how to renew a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Participants will make their own travel arrangements to Buenos Aires, taking advantage of any frequent-flyer options and/or internet specials available to them. Students should book airfare to correspond with the arrival and departure dates given by CIEE.
Buenos Aires has a sophisticated public transportation system. Student will use the metro systems, buses and/or walk to/and from class.
This program is open it UI students who fulfill the following requirements:
Good academic and disciplinary standing - It is the policy of the UI Study Abroad office that all students who study abroad must be in both good academic standing and good disciplinary standing at the time of their application. Students who, even after being accepted into a program, are put on either academic and/or disciplinary probation for any period of time overlapping with the study abroad program dates are ineligible to study abroad. In these cases, students must forfeit their acceptance and will not be allowed to study abroad. Any student who must forfeit their acceptance and/or attendance on a study abroad program due to a probationary status is wholly responsible for any and all financial expenses incurred.
The cost sheet outlines the total estimated costs associated with participating in this program and can be used for financial aid and planning purposes. They include fees charged on students’ U-Bill as well as out-of-pocket expenses. Actual out-of-pocket expenses will vary from individual to individual. Quoted estimates are conservatively high, yet realistic.
Costs for future sessions are usually similar to the current session, however students can expect a modest increase in overall costs each session.
Most financial aid (scholarships, grants, and loans) is applicable to study abroad programs. Please check the Study Abroad website for information on financial aid and how it may be applied to studying abroad. You are also encouraged to speak with someone at the Office of Student Financial Aid to explore financial aid options. Scholarship opportunities exist for study abroad participants. Please explore Study Abroad’s websites for UI Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunities.
CIEE has several scholarships available to University of Iowa students CIEE Scholarships specific to UI students.
Please visit the CIEE Scholarship web site to find out more about their scholarships.
Interested students should make an appointment with the designated UI Study Abroad advisor to discuss the program and the application process. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 319-335-0353. During the appointment, the advisor will provide full application instructions. Note: Application materials will not be reviewed unless a student has already met with the advisor to discuss the program.
The application process consists of the following steps:
• Complete the UI Online Application for Study Abroad. Applicants will be charged a $50 non-refundable application fee. As part of the UI Online Application for Study Abroad, applicants will need to upload a copy of their passport picture page and a list of courses to take while abroad.
• Please note that for study abroad programs through Fall 2022, students will not be charged the $50 application fee until travel is assured. If a student chooses to withdraw prior to the application fee being billed, it will not be charged.
• Complete the CIEE Online Application.
March 1 for fall semester/academic year and September 20 for spring semester/calendar year
Coming Soon
It is highly recommended that students review the following information:
In order to prepare for your time abroad, you are required by the University of Iowa to complete two orientations. In addition to orientations provided UI Study Abroad, CIEE may have other required pre-departure orientations and information. Please see below for more information.
You are required to complete the International Programs online “Education Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation” course distributed through ICON prior to departure. This orientation is mandatory for all students going abroad under the auspices of the University of Iowa. It covers many practical matters about living overseas, such as health and safety, communication, money, goals and much more. You will be enrolled in this course by International Programs and an email will be sent to you once enrolled. If you have any questions you can email
This orientation will be facilitated by your study abroad advisor and will cover content specific to the University of Iowa including, but not limited to, billing, insurance, the Credit Approval Form (CAF), and transcripts. It could be conducted in a group setting or one-on-one depending on the type of planned activity abroad. Your study abroad advisor will send you more information about this mandatory in-person session.
Students start their study abroad experience before leaving the United States with CIEE’s Online Pre-departure Orientation. Students and the Resident staff meet online to discuss information about the academic program and the city that students will soon be living in. Resident staff also highlight issues that program alumni have said are important and they give students time to ask questions. In addition to this orientation, students will have mandatory orientation sessions conducted in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the program.
There are no photos available for this program yet. Do you have any photos to share with us? If you do, please contact us at:
1111 University Capitol Centre
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1802
Phone: (319) 335-0353
Fax: (319) 335-0343