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SIT Madagascar Biodiversity & Natural Resource Management

Fast Facts

Sessions Offered:

Fall, Spring





Program Features

Affiliated Program


- 2.5 GPA

- Good academic and disciplinary standing

- Previous college-level coursework in environmental studies, ecology, biology, or related fields.

Application Due:

Fall 2/24

Spring 9/24

beach in Fort Dauphin

The SIT Experience

  • Rigorous academic programs through a field-based, experiential approach
  • Undergraduate research through an Independent Study Project
  • Cultural immersion through fieldwork, language classes, and urban and rural homestays with local families
  • A small group of students in each program, supported by SIT faculty and staff, homestay families, in-country experts, and community members
  • Access to SIT's extensive local resources and networks
  • A commitment to reciprocity as the foundation of our educational philosophy

Academic Program

Experience the natural wonders of Madagascar’s rainforests, dry forests, mangroves, and coral reefs while you explore environmental challenges, conservation, and development in a biodiversity “hot spot” that has been isolated from neighboring land masses for more than 100 million years.

This program offers classroom and field-based instruction in natural and social scientific methods to encourage you to analyze environmental issues in an array of ecosystems—rainforests, dry spiny thickets, alpine and transitional forests, savannahs, gallery and littoral forests, mangroves, and coral reefs—and within multiple economic, sociopolitical, and cultural contexts.

Key topics of study:

  • Biodiversity
  • Marine studies
  • Ecotourism
  • Forest types and land use
  • Environmental impacts of mining and economic development
  • Issues pitting conservation against development and possible solutions
  • Human pressures on Madagascar’s ecosystems
  • Conservation and protected areas management in Madagascar
  • Root causes of biodiversity loss, including deforestation, slash-and-burn agriculture, and cash crop production
  • Balancing environmental protection with livelihood needs from local to global scales
  • Lemur ecology
  • Ethnobotany

For more information, see SIT's webpage.

Program Structure

Baobab trees
Baobab Trees

Interdisciplinary Seminars

Thematic seminars merge student experience with academic theory to examine critical issues from multiple perspectives. Students learn from SIT faculty as well as guest lecturers from local universities, research institutes, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and community and professional associations. Field-based activities and assignments complement readings, discussions, and research papers, allowing students to engage in a variety of study methods.

Intensive Language Study

Programs typically offer language study at the intermediate and advanced levels and/or beginning instruction in a less commonly taught language spoken by the local community. Language courses incorporate formal classroom instruction, discussion, and field exercises designed to enhance student engagement while improving oral and written competence. Select programs are taught entirely or partly in the target language.

Research Methods and Ethics

Students learn appropriate methodologies that prepare them to undertake fieldwork on topics connected to the program’s theme and specific cultural context. Students develop research skills and approaches including cross-cultural adaptation and skill building; project selection and refinement; contact and resource cultivation; observation and interviewing skills; gathering, organizing, and presenting findings; and maintaining a field journal. Students also examine the ethics and impact of their research on local communities and are required to follow the World Learning/SIT Human Subjects Review Policy, which serves as an approval process and guide for ethical field study practices.

Independent Study Project (ISP)

Typically conducted during the last month of the semester, the ISP allows students to pursue original field-based research on a topic of their choice within the program’s thematic parameters. The academic director advises each student on developing a project plan. Students also identify an ISP advisor who works with the student on the design, implementation, and evaluation of the student’s research project. Final projects generally include a 20- to 40-page paper and presentation to peers, academic staff, and interested members of the host community.

Cultural Activities

ANTANANARIVO (TANA): Your semester is based in Antananarivo, where you will hear speakers from the University of Antananarivo and visit the Queens Palace (Rova), Tsimbazaza Botanical and Zoological Park to begin your initiation into Malagasy biodiversity and cultures.

CENTRAL HIGHLANDS (ITASY REGION): The Itasy region has a high number of endemic freshwater fish. You will visit the Ampefy Lake, Lily Waterfall (Ampefy) and Analavory Geyser. You will also visit the Arivonimamo Silk Trail to see the Tapia forest, one the rare remaining forests in Madagascar’s central highlands. The Tapia tree houses the silk moth Borocera cajani, which produces wild silk.

EAST COAST (ANDASIBE AND AKANIN’NY NOFY): The Andasibe habitat is home to a vast number of species, many of them rare and endangered. Among the 11 lemur species is the Indri, the largest of the lemurs. Visit the Amphibian Breeding Center, Mantadia National Park, and two community-based conservation reserves managed. Visit the Ambatovy mining company to see its efforts toward biodiversity preservation. Akanin’ny Nofy reserve is a picturesque location on the east coast of Madagascar where you can see the iconic Aye-aye lemur as well as the carnivorous Nepenthese plant.

NOSY BE: Your marine study will take place at Nosy be Hell Ville, followed by excursions to northern Madagascar to see the rich biodiversity of this part of this island. Visit the ylang ylang transformer on Nosy Be to see the production of ylang ylang essential oil; Ankarana National Park and Montagne d’Ambre National Park in Joffreville.

Program Dates

Spring Semester: Late January - Mid May

Fall Semester: Early September - Mid-December

For more information

Steps to Studying Abroad

  1. Before initiating an application with SIT, students must complete a Discover Study Abroad session at the University of Iowa. 
  2. After completing the Discover Abroad session, students must call the Study Abroad office at 319-335-0353 to be assigned to the appropriate study abroad advisor.
  3. Once assigned, students must meet with their study abroad advisor to receive program application instructions.

Study Abroad
1111 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242

Phone: 319-335-0353

Fort Dauphin

Ocean, mountains, a bay in Fort Dauphin

You will be based in Fort Dauphin, a town of approximately 50,000 people on a peninsula at the southern end of a mountain chain. The town is surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean and is home to some of the country’s cleanest and most beautiful beaches. There are five distinct ecosystems within a 50-mile radius of Fort Dauphin, making it a great base for excursions.


Madagascar is a country that occupies a large island of the same name, located in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa. It is the fourth largest island in the world.

Madagascar's long isolation from the neighboring continents has resulted in a unique mix of flora and fauna; many of which are unique and endemic to Madagascar. This has led some ecologists to refer to Madagascar as the "eighth continent". Of the 10,000 plants native to Madagascar, 90% are found nowhere else in the world. Madagascar's varied plants and animals are endangered by human activity, as one-third of it's native vegetation has disappeared since the 1970s and since the arrival of humans 2,000 years ago, Madagascar has lost more than 90% of it's original forest. Most lemurs are listed as endangered or threatened species. The eastern, or windward side of the island is home to tropical rainforests, while the western and southern sides, which lie in the rain shadow of the central highlands, are home to tropical dry forests, thorn forests, and deserts and xeric shrublands. Madagascar's dry deciduous rainforest has been preserved generally better than the eastern rainforests or the high central plateau, presumably due to historically low population densities.

US Department of State Country Information

The US Department of State provides safety and security information for every country of the world to help you assess for yourself the risks of travel. Each country information page contains a Travel Advisory, Alerts, and other important details specific to that country that could affect you.

Pay close attention to the entry and exit requirements, local laws and customs, health conditions, and other details to help decide whether traveling to any given country is right for you. Non-US citizen travelers may also wish to seek guidance from the embassy of their country of citizenship. The UI International Travel Policy for Students addresses restrictions on student travel to high-risk locations and engagement in high-risk activities abroad.

Living Arrangements

Rocks in bay covered in green

Fort Dauphin

You will live with a host family in Fort Dauphin for one month. While here, you will go on trips to various ecosystems, national parks, and historical sites. Some students also choose to spend time with their Fort Dauphin host family during the Independent Study Project period.

This homestay is a gateway into the warmth and generosity of Malagasy family life and society and is a primer for language learning. Many Malagasy homes are modest and simple. Some host families cook outside on charcoal stoves, and it is not uncommon to have farm animals in the courtyard.

Village Stay

You will live for a week in a rural village, typically in the area of Faux Cap on the southern tip of Madagascar near the ocean. Village conditions are very basic, with no electricity or running water. You may spend time in bean fields or at the local school, medical clinic, or market, or you may engage in local activities. Your host family will teach you songs and dances typical of their village in preparation for a village dance party on the final day. SIT staff members visit each village daily.

The village stay emphasizes the importance of reciprocity as an integral part of the study abroad experience. SIT students travel to Faux Cap with Malagasy students studying environmental management at the Centre Ecologique de Libanona in Fort Dauphin. In addition to sharing the experience of living in rural Madagascar, SIT and Malagasy students work together to research local resources, land use, health, education, transportation, traditional governance, economic activities, communication, physical and cultural environments, and the ecology of each village area.

Other accommodations during the program include hostels, campsites, or small hotels.


US Citizens

If you do not have a passport, it is important that you apply for one as soon as possible to ensure you receive it before the program begins. US citizens can find more information about how to apply for a passport on the US Department of State’s website.

Students with a valid passport should check the expiration date. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months AFTER the anticipated return to the US from studying abroad. If your passport is not valid for at least 6 months after your anticipated date of return to the US, you must renew your passport before applying for a visa or leaving the United States.

US citizens can find more information about how to renew a passport on the US Department of State’s website.

Travel Arrangements

Students will work with their program provider to make travel arrangements to their program site. The cost of travel is not included in the course fee. UI Study Abroad will not arrange a group flight to your study abroad destination.

Do not purchase plane tickets until you have received instructions on how to do so from your program provider.

Local Transportation

Within your host city and around the country, students will utilize public transportation such as buses and trains. Excursions and general travel require a lot of walking, so bring some comfortable shoes!


This program is open to UI students who fulfill the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA: Students must have at minimum a 2.5 cumulative GPA to participate in this program.
  • Previous college-level coursework in environmental studies, ecology, biology, or related fields.
  • Good academic and disciplinary standing: Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the University of Iowa. Academic and disciplinary history will also be considered when determining whether a student is prepared to represent the University of Iowa as part of this program. Students who, even after being accepted into a program, are put on either academic and/or disciplinary probation for any period of time overlapping with the study abroad program dates are ineligible to study abroad. In these cases, students must forfeit their acceptance, will not be allowed to study abroad, and are wholly responsible for any and all financial expenses incurred.


Costs charged to the U-Bill

Out-of-pocket costs (not charged to U-Bill)

  • Food (paid by student at their discretion while abroad)
  • Round trip airfare (paid by student directly to travel agent or airline- approx. 6-8 weeks prior to departure, before financial aid/scholarships disburse)
  • Local transportation (paid at student’s discretion while abroad)
  • Passport (paid by student prior to departure, before financial aid/scholarships disburse)
  • Consular and visa fees (paid by student prior to departure, before financial aid/scholarships disburse)
  • Textbooks, copyright permission fees, course packets, and other course-related materials (paid upoon arrival to your host country)
  • Medical exam/immunizations (paid by student as needed prior to departure, before financial aid/scholarships disburse)
  • Personal expenses and personal travel (paid by student as needed while abroad)
  • Rental or purchase of required cell phone- does not include usage fees (paid as needed while abroad)

Cost Sheet

The cost sheet (forthcoming) outlines the total estimated costs associated with participating in this program and can be used for financial aid and planning purposes. They include fees charged on students’ U-Bill as well as out-of-pocket expenses. Actual out-of-pocket expenses will vary from individual to individual. Quoted estimates are conservatively high, yet realistic.

Costs for future sessions are usually similar to the current session, however students can expect a modest increase in overall costs each session.

PDFSIT Ecuador Development, Politics & Languages Program Cost Sheet Fall 2021

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Most financial aid (scholarships, grants, and loans) is applicable to study abroad programs. Please check the Study Abroad website for information on financial aid and how it may be applied to studying abroad. You are also encouraged to speak with someone at the Office of Student Financial Aid to explore financial aid options. Scholarship opportunities exist for study abroad participants. Please explore Study Abroad’s websites for UI Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunities, and Non-UI External Awards.

SIT offers awards that can be found on SIT's Scholarships & Grants web page.

SIT has a matching scholarship for Pell Grant Recipients. More information can be found on SIT Pell Grant Match Award web page.

How to Apply

Steps to Studying Abroad

  1. Before initiating an application with SIT, students must complete a Discover Study Abroad session at the University of Iowa.
  2. After completing the Discover Abroad session, students must call the Study Abroad office at 319-335-0353 to be assigned to the appropriate study abroad advisor.
  3. Once assigned, students must meet with their study abroad advisor to receive program application instructions.

Students will need to complete a University of Iowa Study Abroad application and a SIT Ecuador Development, Politics & Languages Program application. Information on these applications will come from the study abroad advisor. Final admissions decisions to the program are made by SIT.

Application Deadline

Applications are due on February 24 for Fall.

Applications are due on September 24 for Spring.

Health & Safety Planning

Students are encouraged to review the following:

Iowa Regents CISI Health Insurance Information

Health preparation Guide for International Travel
This document is intended to help you plan for your medical needs abroad.
Please DO NOT turn this form in to UI Study Abroad.


U.S. Citizens will need a student visa to study abroad for a semester.

SIT provides Pre-Departure Documents to all program participants. One document is entitled Flight, Passport, & Visa Information. It is essential to read this document and understand what is required to obtain any necessary student visa and/or documents to participate in the program. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to secure any student visa or required documents to participate in the program.


In order to prepare for your time abroad, you are required by the University of Iowa to complete two orientations. These may be in addition to orientations provided by your on-site provider. See below for more information.

Online Education Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation

You are required to complete the International Programs ICON course "Education Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation" prior to departure. This orientation is mandatory for all students going abroad under the auspices of the University of Iowa. It covers many practical matters about living overseas, such as health and safety, communication, money, goals, and much more. You will be enrolled in this course by International Programs and an email will be sent to you once enrolled. If you have any questions, you can email

Program-Specific Orientation

This orientation will be facilitated by a study abroad advisor and will cover content specific to the University of Iowa including but not limited to, billing, insurance, the Credit Approval Form (CAF), and transcripts. It could be conducted in a group setting or one-on-one depending on your type of planned activity abroad. Your study abroad advisor will send you more information about this mandatory in-person session.

SIT Pre-departure Resources

SIT will provide you with a variety of pre-departure resources to prepare you for your study abroad experience. These will include

  1. Flight, Passport & Visa Information
  2. Country Overview & Packing Guidelines
  3. Health Guidelines & Requirements
  4. Mental Health, Counseling & Wellness Tips
  5. Safety, Security & Health
  6. Recommended Readings & Resources
  7. SIT Study Abroad Student Handbook
It is your responsibility to thoroughly read this information and become familiar with it and refer back to it should you have questions. You will also receive information from your Admissions Counselor at SIT via email.