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Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
Seoul, South Korea
Good academic and disciplinary standing; 3.0 GPA; refer to the Application tab for more details
Fall & Academic Year:
Mar. 1
Spring & Calendar Year:
Oct. 1
Refer to the Application tab for more details
The Ewha Womans University Exchange program offers students of any gender the opportunity to study at the world's largest female educational institute and one of the top universities in Korea for a semester, academic year, or calendar year. Participation in this program does not require any prior knowledge of the Korean language, as there are diverse course offerings in English. Students with a wide variety of majors can find courses that align with their academic goals.
Ewha’s extensive course offerings in English enable students to pursue coursework in humanities, liberal arts, fine arts, and music. Students also have the option of studying Korean language, which is offered in levels ranging from beginner to advanced and is recommended to facilitate daily communication. Students hoping to fulfill General Education requirements while abroad will find many course options at Ewha.
Exchange students are required to take a minimum of 12 s.h. per semester and are able to take up to 18 s.h. per semester while studying at Ewha. Credit received from Ewha will be treated as transfer credit. Interested students should make an appointment with the UI Study Abroad advisor for more information on transfer credit and be prepared to consult with their academic advisor, as well.
Note: UI students are not allowed to enroll in K-MOOC courses due to pass/fail only grading.
Ewha offers exchange students the chance to participate in optional, structured cultural activities. These activities range from an International Mini-Olympics in which international students compete in soccer, dodge ball, relay races, and other fun events, to trips to see the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), Changdeok Palace, and Nanta performances.
Ewha also has an optional PEACE Buddy program that pairs exchange students with a Korean student who can ease their transition to life in South Korea. Past participants have cited this program as a highlight of their experience.
Fall semesters are typically from late August through mid-December.
Spring semesters are typically from early March through mid-June.
Please refer to Ewha's academic calendar for further information.
Study Abroad
1111 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-0353
Ewha Womans University opened its doors in 1886. It is currently one of the largest women's universities in the world, though Ewha accepts international students of any gender. The word “Womans” in Ewha’s title is an intentional spelling choice. The founders of Ewha wanted to respect the individuality of every woman, so “woman” became “womans.” With a population of over 800 international students, Ewha provides a global atmosphere in which exchange students can study alongside peers from around the world.
Seoul is the political and cultural capital of South Korea. Its population of 10.5 million are spread throughout a city about the same size as Chicago. Neon signs, skyscrapers, and an incredibly computer-savvy populace are juxtaposed with the city's 2,000-year-old history. Seoul’s international atmosphere has turned it into one of the most cosmopolitan cities in not just Asia, but the world.
South Korea is a country of about 50 million people located on the Korean Peninsula. Its neighbor North Korea grabs more headlines due to military exercises and political tensions, but South Korea is not a country to be overshadowed. With a strong, industrialized economy built after the Korean War, South Korea is one of the most economically successful nations in Asia. The Visit Korea website has a lot of good information about this fascinating country.
The US Department of State provides safety and security information for every country of the world to help you assess for yourself the risks of travel. Each country information page contains a Travel Advisory, Alerts, and other important details specific to that country that could affect you.
Pay close attention to the entry and exit requirements, local laws and customs, health conditions, and other details to help decide whether traveling to any given country is right for you. Non-US citizen travelers may also wish to seek guidance from the embassy of their country of citizenship. The UI International Travel Policy for Students addresses restrictions on student travel to high-risk locations and engagement in high-risk activities abroad.
Ewha does not guarantee on-campus housing for incoming exchange students. On-campus housing is assigned on a first come, first served basis and correlates with the timing of the student's application. Students are encouraged to apply early to increase their chances of receiving on-campus housing.
The on-campus International House is a recently built residence hall with views of Seoul's cityscape. The building has both single and double occupancy rooms. Each room includes a bed, desk, closet, bookshelf, and small refrigerator. The housing office typically provides 2 bed sheets, 1 pillow, and 1 pillow case. They have blankets available for rent. Students can also visit local stores if they would prefer to purchase additional bedding items.
Bathrooms facilities may be private or shared. Wireless internet and communal laundry facilities are also available. Additional amenities include a computer room, study room, lounge, and small gym.
Cost information and photos are available on the International House webpage. Please note that students must pay Ewha directly for their housing costs each semester.
If you do not have a passport, it is important that you apply for one as soon as possible to ensure you receive it before the program begins. US citizens can find more information about how to apply for a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Important notice for students without a valid passport or whose passport will expire within the next 12 months:US citizens can find more information about how to renew a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Students with a valid passport should check the expiration date. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months AFTER the anticipated return to the US from studying abroad. If your passport is not valid for at least 6 months after your anticipated date of return to the US, you must renew your passport before applying for the visa you will need to enter your host country.
Expedited processing service is available for US passports (although this still takes several weeks and is at an additional cost). UI Study Abroad encourages students to ask the passport agency at the time of application whether expedited service is recommended.
Students who are not US citizens should contact their consulate for more information if they need to get a new passport or renew their passport.
Students are advised not to purchase airline tickets until they receive acceptance confirmation from both UI and Ewha. If you have questions and/or concerns, please contact the UI Study Abroad Advisor at 319-335-0353.
Students are expected to find their own flights to South Korea, though UI Study Abroad can assist by providing advice regarding airline booking options. Ewha will provide accepted students with more information on arrival details closer to the date of departure.
Ewha University is located in downtown Seoul and is connected to the city via multiple bus stations and two subway stops (Green Line #2). The Seoul Metropolitan Subway is quite impressive, allowing travelers to get almost anywhere in the city where they would like to go. It is the world's most extensive system by length and is the second largest in the world by number of stations (after the NYC Subway).
For more information on local transportation options, please look at Visit Seoul's Transportation Guide.
The Ewha Womans University Exchange is open to UI students of all majors who fulfill the following requirements:
University of Iowa students pay their regular University of Iowa tuition and mandatory student fees and study at our partner university without further tuition payment. However, students should be prepared to pay the host university directly for certain expenses, such as housing. These expenses are included in the program cost sheet (more information below).
University of Iowa study abroad administrative fees are charged for all participants. They are based on tuition set by the Iowa Board of Regents. Please check the Costs of Study Abroad page for more information on these administrative fees.
Cost sheets are documents that outline the total estimated costs associated with participating in this program and can be used for financial aid purposes. They include fees charged on students’ U-Bill, as well as out-of-pocket expenses. Actual out-of-pocket expenses will vary from individual to individual. Quoted estimates are conservatively high, yet realistic.
The cost sheet includes the Study Abroad Administrative Fee and Mandatory Iowa Regents CISI Travel Insurance. Please see the respective websites for further details. Please contact your UI Study Abroad advisor with questions regarding this cost sheet by calling 319-335-0353 to schedule an appointment.
The following cost sheet applies to the Fall 2023 session.
The following cost sheet applies to the Fall 2024 session.
For more information about receiving financial aid while studying abroad, please review the following:UI Financial Aid Information
You can find more information about options for funding your study abroad experience including scholarships on Undergraduate Scholarships for Study Abroad.
Interested students should make an appointment with the designated UI Study Abroad advisor to discuss the program and the application process. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 319-335-0353. During the appointment, the advisor will provide full application instructions. Note: Application materials will not be reviewed unless a student has already met with the advisor to discuss the program.
The application process consists of three major steps:
Applications for the Spring Semester and Calendar Year programs are due on Oct. 1.
Applications for the Fall Semester and Academic Year programs are due on Mar. 1.
Any supplemental materials are due to the UI Study Abroad office by the deadlines stated above.
In addition to submitting their Confirmation of Participation form, students should review the following:
Iowa Regents CISI Health Insurance Information
Students are also encouraged to complete theAny students who will need to apply for a South Korean visa will need to wait until receiving their official admission letter from Ewha before they can begin applying for a visa. UI Study Abroad staff can provide some assistance and advising on the South Korean visa application process, but ultimately the individual traveler (the student) is the person who is responsible for providing correct information on the visa application and securing the visa and all other required documentation prior to travel.
In order to prepare for your time abroad, you are required by the University of Iowa to complete two orientations. These may be in addition to orientations provided by the host university. See below for more information.
You are required to complete the International Programs online “Education Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation” course distributed through ICON prior to departure. This orientation is mandatory for all students going abroad under the auspices of the University of Iowa. It covers many practical matters about living overseas, such as health and safety, communication, money, goals and much more. You will be enrolled in this course by International Programs and an email will be sent to you once enrolled. If you have any questions, you can email
This orientation will be facilitated by your UI Study Abroad advisor and will cover content specific to your program and host country. It could be conducted in a group setting or one-on-one depending on your type of planned activity abroad. Your advisor will send you more information about this mandatory in-person session.
There are no photos available for this program yet. Do you have any photos to share with us? If you do, please contact us at:
1111 University Capitol Centre
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1802
Phone: (319) 335-0353
Fax: (319) 335-0343