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Academic Year
Oxford, England
• Clear Interest and Commitment
• Demonstrated Preparedness/Maturity
• Minimum 3.7 GPA
• Good academic and disciplinary standing
• Junior, or Senior standing at the start of the program
• Approval by UI Study Abroad
• Acceptance by host institution
• February 3
Check the 'Costs' section under the Application tab.
The Iowa at Oxford program enrolls University of Iowa students in the Mansfield College’s Visiting Student Programme, hosted at Mansfield College, University of Oxford. This program provides students with a unique opportunity to spend an academic year fully matriculated at the University of Oxford, one of the mostly highly regarded academic institutions in the world. During their year at Oxford, students enroll in a wide range of courses at Mansfield College, one of the 38 colleges that make up the University of Oxford.
Through this program you will enroll in Mansfield College’s long-standing and highly regarded Visiting Student Programme. As such, you will be provided with full membership in the College, and an official status within the University of Oxford. You will be fully immersed in the academic and cultural life of the University of Oxford throughout the program. And, while you will only study the College for an academic year, you will be considered an official Oxford alum for life!
While you’re studying at Mansfield College, you will be enrolled in classes with local and international students, have access to all college facilities, and will be a member of the JCR (Junior Common Room- the undergraduate student body at the university).
The academic year at Mansfield is made up of three terms- Michaelmas (October - December), Hilary (January - March), and Trinity (April - June).
You will enroll in one 8 semester hour course, and one 4 semester hour course per term, and so earn 36 semester hours for the academic year.
Courses at Mansfield College are based on the tutorial system. Through this system, you will enroll in two classes during each of Oxford’s three terms. Classes consist of two lectures per week, and one two-hour tutorial- a small group meeting with a faculty member specialized in your field of study. You will be required to prepare a list of readings and write weekly essays related to the course content to discuss at each tutorial session. Each course requires a significant amount of time devoted to intensive independent study, in addition to lectures, tutorial hours, and laboratory time.
The tutorial system requires you to do extensive independent reading and research under the guidance of your tutor. The tutorial sessions require you to engage with your tutor in thoughtful and thorough analysis of your chosen readings and weekly essay. This system provides a unique opportunity to develop a keen understanding of your field of interest through critical evaluation and thoughtful organization. You will be enrolled in the same classes, taught by the same tutors, and held to the same academic standards as fully matriculated students at the University of Oxford.
Learn more about Oxford’s Tutorial System
Students are eligible to enroll in courses (tutorials) in a variety of disciplines. You can find information about the courses available to students on this program on Mansfield College’s Subjects website.
Enrollment in courses related to Art History, Classics, Finance, and Statistics can occasionally be arranged upon request.
Foreign universities are typically unable to provide a final course catalog for the upcoming semester until shortly before the semester begins. Students usually do not know which specific classes they can take before arriving abroad, and they usually do not register for classes until they arrive in their host country- this means that there is no way to guarantee that you will be able to enroll in your preferred courses. Your final course schedule may not be finalized until you are already abroad and attending classes.
Because of these differences, all students must meet with their academic advisor before going abroad to discuss how the differences in course availability will affect their degree progress and graduation plans. It is important to develop a back-up plan in case your preferred courses are not available when you arrive at their host university.
As a study abroad student, you are required to undertake the same form of assessment as the local students do in order to earn transfer credit at the University of Iowa.
The grading system in the UK is significantly different from the US system. Grades are given as 'marks', and a score of 60% is typically considered a high mark. UI does not convert British marks into US letter grades. While you WILL receive academic credit for the courses you take in the UK, you will NOT receive a typical A-F grade.
This does not mean that you are taking courses on a Pass/Fail basis . In order to receive credit for the course, you must receive a passing grade in the host university's system and, in the future, when official transcripts of your college work are requested, you will need to provide both an Iowa transcript and the academic record from the host institution – the grades you earn for the courses you took abroad will be clear and will influence future scholarship application and graduate school admissions decisions.
Unless UI Study Abroad has an approval on file for the courses you take abroad to be applied toward a specific major, minor, certificate, or general education requirement, you will receive general elective credit for your course.
If you plan to apply the credit you receive for your program course to a major, minor, certificate, or general education requirement, contact your UI study abroad advisor for details on the process.
If you are an Honors student, you can apply the credit earned through this program to your Honors requirements!
Contact your UI study abroad advisor for more information.
Transcripts are sent from the host institution to UI Study Abroad within about two months after the conclusion of the program. From there, the transcripts are processed by UI Study Abroad and the Admissions office at the University of Iowa. Grades for the Iowa at Oxford program are typically applied to the student’s UI degree around three months after the conclusion of the program.
If this effects your plans to graduate at the end of your academic year abroad, please contact your UI study abroad advisor.
Program dates vary from year to year. The fall session typically takes place from early October - mid-December, and the spring session takes place from mid-January - late June.
The dates for Fall 2024 are October 3, 2024 - December 8, 2024, and the dates for Spring 2025 are January 14, 2025 - June 21, 2025.
For dates for an future session, contact your study abroad advisor.
Study Abroad
1111 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-0353
Founded around 1096, the University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, predating the Magna Carta, the reign of Genghis Khan, and the Aztec Empire. Since its inception, Oxford has been a leading figure in learning, teaching, and research.
Today, Oxford has grown to be one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. Oxford is consistently ranked among the top ten (and first in the UK!) universities in the world. It is currently ranked first in the world for English Literature, Modern Languages, Geography, History, and Clinical, Health, and Life Sciences, second in the world for Anthropology, Archaeology, Politics, International Studies, Law, and Medicine, and fourth in the world (first in the UK!) for Arts and Humanities.
Famous Oxonians include 27 British Prime Ministers, 30 international leaders, 50 Nobel Prize winners, Bill Clinton, T S Eliot, Indira Gandhi, Hugh Grant, Aldous Huxley, Felicity Jones, C S Lewis, Rosamund Pike, J R R Tolkein, Emily Davidson, Oscar Wilde and.... you!?
The University of Oxford consists of 38 different colleges, each with its own unique history, traditions, academic focus, houses of residence, dining halls, libraries, and friendly rivalries- a bit like Hogwarts! When they are admitted to Oxford, each student becomes a member of one of these colleges based on their academic focus, or personal interest. Students have full access to all of the university’s facilities, but enjoy many exclusive benefits related to their particular college, and often develop a close community of friends and peers within their own college.
Oxford currently enrolls around 22,600 students in its 38 colleges. Around 11,600 of those are undergraduates, and 10,500 are graduate students.
Most colleges within the University of Oxford system are located near the center of the city of Oxford. Transportation around the university, and the rest of the city, is easily accomplished by foot, bike, bus, and taxi.
As a registered student of the University, you will have access to a full range of University facilities, including student clubs and societies, the Bodleian Library, specialized faculty/subject libraries, the Oxford University Computing Services, and a large variety of lectures and special events.
Through the Iowa at Oxford program, you will become a full member of Mansfield College. Mansfield College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford.
Founded in 1838, Mansfield College is among the youngest college in the Oxford system (for reference, the University of Iowa was founded in 1847, so maybe it’s not so young!). Mansfield has always strived to be among the most inclusive colleges in the Oxford system, opening its doors to women a 60 years before most others colleges, and making a strong effort to recruit and support students from the UK’s public schools and first generation college student population. In this tradition, Mansfield makes a significant effort to welcome international students to the college, and today around 10% of its students are visiting students from around the world.
Mansfield is a relatively small college- home to approximately 400 undergraduate and graduate students, around 40 of which visiting students from around the world. This small size allows for friendly and close relationships among students, faculty, and staff, and supports the college’s unique and innovative personality.
Mansfield’s academic focus is primarily in the fields of Economics, English, Finance, Geography, History, Human Sciences, management, Philosophy, Politics, and Theology and Religion.
The Mansfield College campus is centrally located on the University campus, around 10 minutes from the Oxford city center, and is well connected to the rest of the city by foot and by bus. The college site includes student accommodation, tutors’ rooms, offices, the chapel, the dining hall, the library, a laundry room, common rooms, and other social facilities. Mansfield also shares excellent sports facilities with Merton College, including tennis and squash courts.
The College’s main library is a wonderful wood-paneled room which contains core texts for all courses, and there are separate libraries devoted to Law and Theology. All three libraries are open to students twenty-four hours a day, and there is a computer room available for use by students.
Take a look at the Mansfield's Student Life website for more information about life at Mansfield.
Oxford, a city of 160,000 residents located in the southern part of the United Kingdom, approximately two hours away from London. Oxford is a small, modern city with a long history.
The city was first settled during Saxon times around the 8th century, and was formally established as a city in 1542. The city’s long history and dramatic architecture provide a setting for its modern status as an important cultural center and tourist destination. Today, Oxford is home to the University of Oxford, Oxford Botanic Garden, Christ Church Cathedral, the Headington Shark, and a huge variety of architecture, museums, galleries, theaters, libraries, music venues, sports facilities, and shopping attractions.
Oxford is a fantastic place to live and study, while being well connected to other destinations in the UK, Ireland, and the rest of main land Europe by bus, train, and car.
The United Kingdom (UK) refers to the four countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. This is in contrast to another common name, Great Britain, which excludes Northern Ireland. Each part of the UK has a distinct culture and history. Experiencing these rich traditions is what studying in the UK is all about!
The US Department of State provides safety and security information for every country of the world to help you assess for yourself the risks of travel. Each country information page contains a Travel Advisory, Alerts, and other important details specific to that country that could affect you.
Pay close attention to the entry and exit requirements, local laws and customs, health conditions, and other details to help decide whether traveling to any given country is right for you. Non-US citizen travelers may also wish to seek guidance from the embassy of their country of citizenship. The UI International Travel Policy for Students addresses restrictions on student travel to high-risk locations and engagement in high-risk activities abroad.
While attending Oxford, you will live in Mansfield College’s dedicated student housing. In most cases, this means that you will live with other Mansfield students. You will live in a British-style ‘flat’ where you will have your own study-bedroom, and share bathroom and kitchen facilities with your flat mates. You can learn more about the housing options at Mansfield on the Living at Mansfield page.
University of Iowa students are required to stay in housing arranged through the host university. Iowa students cannot stay in privately arranged housing.
All students need a valid passport to participate in this program. If you do not have a passport, it is important that you apply for one as soon as possible to ensure you receive it before the program begins. US citizens can find more information about how to apply for a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Important notice for students without a valid passport or whose passport will expire within the next 12 months:US citizens can find more information about how to renew a passport on the US Department of State’s website.
Students with a valid passport should check the expiration date. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months AFTER the anticipated return to the US from studying abroad. If your passport is not valid for at least 6 months after your anticipated date of return to the US, you must renew your passport before applying for the visa you will need to enter your host country.
Expedited processing service is available for US passports (although this still takes several weeks and is at an additional cost). UI Study Abroad encourages students to ask the passport agency at the time of application whether expedited service is recommended.
Students who are not US citizens should contact their consulate for more information if they need to get a new passport or renew their passport.
UI Study Abroad will not arrange a group flight to your study abroad destination. You will purchase plane tickets to your host country on your own, though UI Study Abroad can assist by providing advice regarding airline booking options.
You are advised not purchase your plane tickets until:
Plan to arrive in your host country as early as possible the day before official program activities begin. To ensure that you meet your host country's immigration requirements, and that you are covered by international health/travel insurance, do not arrive in your host country sooner than one day before the official start of program activities.
If you have questions about purchasing plane tickets, or would like to coordinate your travel with other UI students, please contact your UI study abroad advisor.
Oxford has an excellent public transportation system, though many students navigate the main areas of the city on foot or by bike. Taxis are available throughout the city. Oxford is also well connected to the rest of the UK and Europe by bus and train, and is close enough to several major airports that international travel can be easily arranged.
This program is open to University of Iowa students who fulfill the following requirements:
Students will be responsible for paying many of their program costs through their University of Iowa U-Bill, while other costs will be out-of-pocket costs paid by the student directly to vendors before and after going abroad. Refer to the cost sheets below for details on the costs associated with this program.
The cost sheets outline the total estimated costs associated with participating in this program and can be used for financial aid purposes. They include fees charged on students’ U-Bill as well as out-of-pocket expenses. Actual out-of-pocket expenses will vary from individual to individual. Quoted estimates are conservatively high, yet realistic.
Costs for future sessions are usually similar to the current session, however students can expect a modest increase in overall costs each session. Final cost sheets for future sessions are typically available early in the semester before the session begins.
Cost Sheet- Iowa at Oxford- Fall 2024
Cost Sheet- Iowa at Oxford- Spring 2025
The cost sheets are based on the fees described below:
The cost sheet does not include the following optional additional costs:
Costs for personal travel are not included in the cost estimates provided on the cost sheet. If you plan to travel outside of your host city or country during or after your study abroad program, you will need to budget for additional funds to cover the cost of your personal travel.
The cost of personal travel depends entirely on each student’s individual travel plans and spending habits. Estimates for personal travel costs provided by past students on this program vary significantly from $1,500 to as much as $9,000 or more per semester.
You can find information about options for funding your study abroad experience, including financial aid, scholarships, grants, etc., on UI Study Abroad’s Finances page.
This is a two-part process. You apply first with the University of Iowa. If approved, you will submit a separate application to the host university abroad.
If you are accepted to your program, you will be asked to commit to participating in your program by submitting the University of Iowa Confirmation of Participation form, and by completing requirements for your host university.
After you have formally confirmed your plans to participate, you will work both with UI Study Abroad and your host university. Follow instructions from both. Later in the semester, your UI study abroad advisor will contact you regarding orientation sessions, registration, and other required UI procedures and documentation.
Admission to this program is limited to five students each academic year.
Complete applications from eligible students will be considered on a first come, first served basis. Interested students are encouraged to submit complete application materials as soon as possible to increase their chances of securing a place in the program during their chosen session.
Contact your study abroad advisor for updates on available spaces for the upcoming session.
Applications for the upcoming session will be due on February 3.
Iowa Regents CISI Health Insurance Information
All program participants are required to complete immigration requirements to enter and study in your host country. UI Study Abroad and your program provider/host institution abroad will provide you with immigration instructions prior to departure.
Note that permission to enter and study in your host country is provided exclusively by the host country’s government based on that country's immigration requirements. Your host country’s immigration requirements may include considerations related to specific national origin, national heritage, criminal background status, and similar issues that can make it impossible to receive permission to enter the country in some cases. Contact your UI study abroad advisor for more information.
It is essential that you thoroughly review all of your immigration materials before you leave for your host country to ensure that they are absolutely complete and accurate. It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that all of your immigration materials are in order and fully accurate before you leave for your host country. If any of your immigration materials contain inaccurate information of any kind, contact your UI study abroad advisor immediately to discuss your options.
Do not take steps to complete your host country’s immigration requirements until you receive more information from UI Study Abroad.
Review the UI Study Abroad Travel Documentation website for further guidance on the immigration/visa process.
In order to prepare for your time abroad, you are required by the University of Iowa to complete two orientations. These may be in addition to orientations provided by your on-site provider. See below for more information.
You are required to complete the International Programs ICON course "Education Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation" prior to departure. This orientation is mandatory for all students going abroad under the auspices of the University of Iowa. It covers many practical matters about living overseas, such as health and safety, communication, money, goals, and much more. You will be enrolled in this course by International Programs and an email will be sent to you once enrolled. If you have any questions, you can email
This orientation will be facilitated by your study abroad advisor and will cover content specific to your program and host country. It could be conducted in a group setting or one-on-one depending on your type of planned activity abroad. Your study abroad advisor will send you more information about this mandatory in-person session.